Law no. 122/2015 on approving measures in the field of promoting the production of energy from renewable energy sources and amending and supplementing some normative acts
GD no. 934/29.10.2014 regarding the abrogation of the Government Decision no. 1.007/2004 for the approval of the Regulation for the supply of electricity to consumers, published in O.M. no. 794/31.10.2014
Law no. 127/2014 amending and supplementing the Law on electricity and natural gas no. 123/2012 and the Oil Law no. 238/2004 published in O.M. no. 720/01.10.2014
Law no. 121/2014 on Energy Efficiency, published in O.M. no. 574/01.08.2014
GD no. 495/2014 regarding the establishment of a state aid scheme for the exemption of certain categories of final consumers from the application of Law no. 220/2008 establishing the system for promoting the production of energy from renewable energy sources, published in O.M. no. 500/04.07.2014
Law no. 23/2014 for the approval of Government Emergency Ordinance 57/2013 on the amendment and completion of Law no. 220/2008 establishing the system for promoting the production of energy from renewable energy sources, published in O.M. no. 184/14.03.2014
GEO no. 57/2013 regarding the modification and completion of the Law no. 220/2008 establishing the system for promoting the production of energy from renewable energy sources, published in O.M. no. 335/07.06.2013
Law no. 134/2012 approving Government Emergency Ordinance no. 88/2011 on amending and completing the Law no. 220/2008 establishing the system for promoting the production of energy from renewable energy sources
Law on Electricity and Natural Gas no. 123/2012 published in O.M. no. 485/16.07.2012
GEO no. 88/2011 amending and supplementing Law no. 220/2008 on the establishment of a system for the promotion of energy production from renewable energy sources, published in O.M. no. 736/19.10.2011
Ordinance no. 29/2010 amending and supplementing Law no. 220/2008 on the establishment of a system for the promotion of energy production from renewable energy sources, published in O.M. no. 616/31.08.2010
Law no. 139/2010 amending and supplementing the Law no. 220/2008 on establishing the system for promoting the production of electricity from renewable energy sources, published in O.M. no. 474/09.07.2010
Directive 2009/72/EC concerning common rules for the internal market in electricity and repealing Directive 2003/54/EC
Law no. 220/2008 on establishing the system for promoting the production of energy from renewable energy sources, republished in O.M. no. 577/13.08.2010
GD no. 638/2007 on the full opening of the electricity and natural gas market, published in O.M. no. 427/27.06.2007
GO no. 21/1992 on Consumer Protection, as subsequently amended and supplemented, republished in 2007
ANRE President’s Order no. 52/2017 for the amendment of ANRE President’s Order no. 119/2013 on the approval of the contribution for high efficiency cogeneration and some provisions on how to invoice it
ANRE President’s Order no. 50/2017 amending Annex no. 1 of the ANRE President Order no. 176/2015 for the approval of regulated electricity tariffs applied by suppliers of last resort to household customers who have not exercised their eligibility right as well as the conditions for the application of regulated tariffs and tariffs for the competitive market component
ANRE President’s Order no. 48/2017 regarding the approval of the average tariff for the transport service, of the components of the transmission tariff for the introduction of the electricity in the network (TG) and the extraction of the electricity from the network (TL), the tariff for the system service and the regulated price for reactive electric power, carried out by the National Power Grid Company “Transelectrica” SA
ANRE President’s Order no. 12/2017 for the approval of the Regulation for the take-over by last-resort suppliers of the consumption sites of the final customers that do not have ensured the electricity supply from any other source and for the modification of certain regulations in the electricity sector
ANRE President’s Order no. 8/2017 on the approval of green certificates trading limits and the equivalent of an unpaid green certificate
ANRE President’s Order no. 6/2017 on the Performance Standard for Electricity Supply
ANRE President’s Order no. 119/2016 on the establishment of the estimated allowance for the acquisition of Green Certificates
ANRE President’s Order no. 113/2016 regarding the approval of the specific tariffs for the distribution service and the price for the reactive electric power, for the Electricity Distribution Branch “Electrica Distributie Transilvania Nord” – S.A., published in O.M. no. 1016/19.12.2016
ANRE President’s Order no. 112/2016 regarding the approval of the specific tariffs for the distribution service and the price for the reactive energy for the Electricity Distribution Branch “Electrica Distributie Muntenia Nord” – S.A., published in O.M. no. 1016/19.12.2016
ANRE President’s Order no. 111/2016 regarding the approval of the specific tariffs for the distribution service and the price for the reactive energy for “E.ON Distributie România” – S.A., published in O.M. no. 1016/19.12.2016
ANRE President’s Order no. 110/2016 regarding the approval of the specific tariffs for the distribution service and the price for the reactive energy, for the company CEZ Distribuţie – S.A., published in O.M. no. 1016/19.12.2016
ANRE President’s Order no. 107/2016 regarding the approval of the specific tariffs for the distribution service and the price for the reactive energy, for the E-Distribution Company Muntenia – S.A., published in O.M. no. 1016/19.12.2016
ANRE President’s Order no. 106/2016 for the approval of the regulated tariff operated by the electricity market operator
ANRE President’s Order no. 76/2016 for the modification and completion of the Methodology regarding the determination of the obligations for payment of reactive electric power and the regulated price for reactive energy, approved by the ANRE President Order no. 33/2014
ANRE President’s Order no. 61/2016 for the approval of the Electricity Labeling Regulation, published in O.M. no. 836/21.10.2016
ANRE President’s Order no. 41/2016 for the approval of the Methodology for setting the annual mandatory quota of electricity produced from renewable energy sources benefiting from the system of promotion through green certificates and of the certificates of green certificates, published in O.M. no. 734/22.09.2016
ANRE President’s Order no. 37/2016 amending the Annex to the Order of the President of the National Regulatory Authority for Energy no. 167/2015 for the approval of the regulated tariff operated by the electricity market operator
Approval no. 27/2016 regarding the tariffs of the Competitive Market Component (CCP) tariff for Enel Energie Muntenia
ANRE President’s Order no. 24/2016 amending the Order of the President of the National Regulatory Authority for Energy no. 119/2013 on the approval of the contribution for high efficiency cogeneration and some provisions on how to invoice it
ANRE President’s Order no. 17/2016 regarding the modification of the Regulation for organization and functioning of the green certificates market, approved by the Order of the President of the National Regulatory Authority for Energy no. 60/2015
ANRE President’s Order no. 11/2016 regarding the approval of the Performance Standard for the Electricity Distribution Service
ANRE President’s Order no. 10/2016 for the modification of the Methodology for setting the compensation between the users connected at different stages, through a common installation, to the public electricity networks, approved by the Order of the President of the National Regulatory Authority for Energy no. 180/2015
ANRE President’s Order no. 183/2015 on the establishment of the estimated mandatory quota for the acquisition of green certificates for the year 2016
ANRE President’s Order no. 180/2015 for the approval of the Methodology for establishing monetary compensations between users connected at different stages, through a common installation, to public electricity networks, modified by ANRE President’s Order no. 10/2016
ANRE President’s Order no. 177/2015 for the approval of the procedure for the granting of compensations to household customers for domestic appliances damaged as a result of accidental overvoltages caused by the fault of the network operator, published in O.M. no. 971/29.12.2015
ANRE President’s Order no. 167/2015 for the approval of the regulated tariff operated by the electricity market operator
ANRE President’s Order no. 166/2015 regarding the modification and completion of the Regulation for the organization and functioning of the green certificates market, approved by the Order of the President of the National Energy Regulatory Authority no. 60/2015
ANRE President’s Order no. 121/2015 for the approval of the procedure for determining the electricity consumption in case of erroneous registration and in the lump-sum system and for the modification of art. 80 of the Supplying Regulations to the end customers, approved by the ANRE President Order no. 64/2014
ANRE President’s Order no. 118/2015 regarding the approval of the Performance Standard for the electricity supply activity
ANRE President’s Order no. 103/2015 for the approval of the Electricity Measurement Code
ANRE President’s Order no. 96/2015 for the approval of the Regulation on the activity of informing the final customers of electricity and natural gas
ANRE President’s Order no. 92/2015 for approving the Methodology for setting the tariffs applied by last-restort suppliers to final customers, published in O.M. no. 452/24.06.2015
ANRE President’s Order no. 90/2015 on the approval of framework contracts for the electricity distribution service
ANRE President’s Order no. 88/2015 for the approval of framework contracts for the supply of electricity to residential and non-residential customers of the last-resort suppliers, the general conditions for the electricity supply to the final consumers of the last-resort suppliers, the electricity invoice model and the model of the convention consumption of electricity, used by last-resort suppliers
ANRE President’s Order no. 84/2015 for the approval of the procedure for the financial guarantee regime established by final consumers in favor of the last-resort supplier
ANRE President’s Order no. 75/2015 for the approval of the Procedure for the Correction of Measurement Data with respect to the delimitation point
ANRE President’s Order no. 17/2015 for the approval of the Regulation for the take-over by last-resort suppliers of the consumption sites of the final consumers that do not have ensured the electricity supply from any other source
ANRE President’s Order no. 16/2015 for the approval of the Framework Procedure on the Obligation of Electricity and Natural Gas Suppliers to Solve Complaints of Final Consumers
ANRE President’s Order no. 11/2015 for the approval of the frame contract for connection to the public electricity networks
ANRE President’s Order no. 105/2014 for approval of the procedure for changing the supplier of electricity by the final consumer and for amending the annex to the ANRE President’s Order no. 35/2010 regarding the establishment of certain rules regarding the electricity balancing market, published in the O.M. no. 781/27.10.2014
ANRE President’s Order no. 64/2014 for the approval of the Regulation for the supply of electricity to final consumers, in force as of 31.10.2014
ANRE President’s Order no. 63/2014, amending and supplementing the Regulation on the Connection of Users to Public Electricity Networks, approved by the Order of the President of the National Regulatory Authority for Energy no. 59/2013, published in O.M. no. 537/18.07.2014
ANRE President’s Order no. 35/2014 for the designation of suppliers of last resort, published in O.M. no. 442/17.06.2014
ANRE President’s Order no. 33/2014 for the approval of the Methodology for determining the reactive power payment obligations and the regulated price for the reactive energy
ANRE President’s Order no. 9/2014 for the approval of the procedure for the forecasting and billing of electricity consumption deviations for places of consumption with an approved power of 1 MVA or more and the abrogation of paragraph (13) and (14) of art. 26 of the Methodology for pricing and tariffs to final consumers that do not use the eligibility right, by Order no. 82/2013, published in O.M. no. 119/18.02.2014
ANRE President’s Order no. 5/2014 for approval of the frame content of connection certificates, published in O.M. no. 72/29.01.2014
ANRE President’s Order no. 117/2013 for the approval of the Methodology for the determination and monitoring of the contribution for high efficiency cogeneration, published in O.M. no. 826/23.12.2013
ANRE President’s Order no. 116/2013 for the approval of the Regulation on the establishment of the method of collecting the contribution for high efficiency cogeneration and the payment of the bonus for electricity produced in high efficiency cogeneration, published in O.M. no. 825/23.12.2013
ANRE President’s Order no. 61/2013 for approval of the Regulation on the organization and functioning of the commission for solving disputes on the wholesale and retail market between the participants in the electricity and natural gas market, published in O.M. no. 546/29.08.2013
ANRE President’s Order no. 59/2013 for the approval of the Regulation on connection of users to public electricity networks, published in O.M. no. 517bis/19.08.2013
ANRE President’s Order no. 35/2013 for approval of the procedures regarding the settlement/mediation of the misunderstandings appeared at the conclusion of the contracts in the electricity field, published in O.M. no. 358/17.06.2013
ANRE President’s Order no. 21/2013 regarding the approval of the Tariff Pricing Methodology for the Operator Electricity Distribution Service, other than the Distribution Operators
ANRE President’s Order no. 22/2010 for the modification of the Monitoring methodology of the retail electricity market, approved by the ANRE President’s Order no. 60/2008, published in O.M. no. 534/30.07.2010
ANRE President’s Order no. 60/2008 for the approval of the Monitoring methodology of the retail electricity market, published in O.M. no. 551/22.07.2008
ANRE President’s Order no. 128/2008 – Technical Code of Electricity Distribution Networks Revision I, published in O.M. no. 43/26.01.2008
ANRE President’s Order no. 38/2005 – Procedure regarding the conditions and manner of granting the social tariff to household consumers of electricity
ANRE President’s Order no. 25/2004 – Commercial Code of the Wholesale Electricity Market, published in O.M. no. 989/27.10.2004