By law, you have the right to be informed about your relationship with Alive Capital.
You have the right to request and receive, free of charge, before signing the supply contract, a copy of it and the standard terms of service provision, as the case may be.
Before signing the supply contract, Alive Capital has the obligation to provide you with the following information in writing:
- The steps and documents needed to conclude a supply contract;
- Type offers for which you can choose, as the case may be;
- The contract corresponding to the chosen offer, as the case may be;
- Prices and tariffs.
Check before signing if the contract includes at least the following information:
- The identity and address of the vendor;
- The service provided, the quality levels of the service offered and the continuity in the food, as well as the start date of the contract;
- Applicable price / tariff;
- The duration of the contract, the conditions for renewal / extension of the contract and temporary interruption of the electricity / natural gas supply, the right to terminate the contract unilaterally;
- Compensation / compensation and the applicable refund method in case of non-observance of the contractual service quality levels, as the case may be;
- The penalties you have to pay if you do not observe the contractual provisions.
Your Provider Alive Capital has the obligation to provide you, on request, with a printed copy of the procedure for registering, investigating and solving petitions received from consumers.
Your provider, Alive Capital, is required to inform you of any changes in the prices, billing, collection or other terms of the contract, in a timely and transparent manner, in a transparent and easy to understand manner.
If you do not agree with the announced changes, you have the right to cancel the contract without paying damages, respecting the contractual and legal provisions in force.
In the situation where pre-contractual misunderstandings occur and the parties don’t reach an agreement, according to ANRE Order no. 35/2013 for the approval of the procedures regarding the settlement/mediation of the misunderstandings appeared at the conclusion of the contracts in the electricity field, the parties can address to ANRE in order to start the solving process at the level of the authority.
In order to resolve the disputes occured in the performance of the contracts, in case the parties don’t reach an agreement, they can address to ANRE in accordance with ANRE Order no. 61/2013 for the approval of the Regulation on the organization and functioning of the commission for solving the disputes on the wholesale and retail market appeared between the participants in the electricity and natural gas market.
Constantin Nacu Street, nr. 3, District 2, Bucharest, Romania
Telephone: 021. 327.81.00; fax: 021 312 43 65, Green line: 0800800410
E-mail: [email protected]o , Website: