Step 1
Initiating the changeover process can only take place after the final customer opts for the new vendor. The supplier may be any economic operator holding a supply license on the territory of Romania, this service not being limited to a certain geographic area of service.
Step 2
In order to conclude the new electricity supply contract, the final customer has the obligation to send to the new supplier at least the following data: the address of the place of consumption, the name of the current supplier, the unique identification code of the point (s) on the electricity bill , the value of the due and unpaid bills by the date of the notification, related to the supplied electricity, respectively to the network services, as the case may be, as well as the data regarding the absorbed power / quantities of electricity for which electricity supply and, as the case may be, documents stipulated in the regulations in force.
Step 3
After the final customer and the new supplier agree on the contractual clauses, including on the electricity price, he concludes the contract for the supply of electricity. The electricity supply contract concluded with the new supplier takes effect from the date of termination of the contract with the current supplier.
Step 4
The final customer of electricity is obliged to notify the current supplier terminating the supply contract at least 21 days before.
Step 5
At the request of the final customer and on the basis of the electricity supply contract concluded with the final customer, the new supplier has the obligation to take the necessary steps to conclude the contract / contracts for the provision of the service / network services.
For household customers and small non-household customers, it is not mandatory to read the meter by the OR (network operator) on the day the supplier changes, allowing the customer to take over the index. If the OR has suspicions about the correctness of the index communicated by the final customer or if the client did not pass the self-reported index, then the OR determines the measured value corresponding to the moment of change by reading, and if this is not possible, by estimating consumption based on the historical consumption or consumer convention concluded by the end customer concerned.